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Cerilliant Introduces New Certified Snap-N-Spike® Solutions of Phenethylamines

ROUND ROCK, TEXAS – February 10, 2014 – Cerilliant introduces fourteen new certified Snap-N-Spike® solutions of phenethylamines.  These Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) are suitable for numerous applications in GC/MS or LC-MS/MS testing from urine drug monitoring and forensic testing to clinical toxicology analysis

Phenethylamines, including the major structural analogs ring-substituted D amphetamines, 2C amine analogs, and dibenzofurans, represent a class of drugs with hallucinogenic and stimulant effects. These illicit hallucinogens are often advertised and sold over the Internet as substitutes for drugs LSD and Ecstasy. In an effort to combat the rising prevalence of phenethylamine analogs, the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) recently expanded the list of Schedule I substances to include twelve additional 2C amines.1 In addition to current regulatory limitations, phenethylamines also present significant analytic challenges for laboratories that use immunoassay for screening rather than GC/MS or LC-MS/MS techniques.2 Immunoassays are not available for some of the newest emerging drugs of abuse and thus laboratories must use MS for both screening and quantitation.

“As phenethylamine abuse across the country continues to rise, the need for clinical and forensic laboratories to have access to ultra pure, fully characterized reference standards is urgent,” comments Derrell Johnson, New Product Development Manager at Cerilliant. “Our catalog of Certified Spiking Solutions® provides the testing community with up-to-date, accurate reference standards for new and emerging drugs of abuse in a convenient USDEA exempt format.”
Cerilliant’s reference standards are manufactured and certified to the highest industry standards including ISO Guide 34, ISO/IEC 17025, and ISO 13485 and are suitable for a wide variety of quantitative or qualitative applications from control or calibrator preparation in forensic analysis or clinical toxicology testing to urine drug analysis and isotope dilution methods. For standards of controlled substances, our USDEA exemptions and TK #s allow laboratories in the US and Canada to order these standards without DEA paperwork. Each Certified Spiking Solution® is supported by a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis (COA) which provides all analytical data and uncertainty and traceability information to support regulatory requirements.

1.)     https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/s3187/text
2.)     http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21871153

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